Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Amore, I mean Amare Stoudemire

I've really come to love Amare Stoudemire over the past few seasons.

It has nothing to do with the fantasy basketball numbers he brought my team. Nothing to do with the crossover he put on Pau Gasol in game three of the Western Conference Finals (I am still looking for when Amare super-glued Pau's shoes to the floor somewhere between 0:10 and 0:12). It's not for his athleticism or his comments regarding Lamar Odom (who I'm beginning to think really was just lucky), or can somebody really just be that good one day and then so much worse another? Nope, none of that.

Amare Stoudamire is Steve Urkel. Period. That's all I need to love him. When he shows up to press conferences he's well groomed, wearing a boring sweater that fits him like a wetsuit and donning those big-ole glasses. He's well-spoken and almost acts a little timid. A la Steve Urkel.

But minutes before all those press conferences, Amare is a beast on the court, the absolute opposite of his dweeby alter-ego. Sure he's got glasses on but he owns those glasses. Look at the man hold his jersey up (in the clip) like he just pulled Excalibur out of the ground. This isn't Steve Urkel. This is Stefan Urquelle.

C'mon all you Family Matters fans, show your true colors. Gimme a high-pitched, swelling, "Hidey ho neighbor!" or a, "Did I do that?" It's just like the show. Stefan is this impressive, cool, smooth guy and Steve is a clumsy nerd who's just a considerate guy. I'm here to tell you that I think the Amare-Steve-Urkel is delightful and I'm glad that Amare-Stefan-Urquelle seems to have room for him. Question is, whichever team signs him next year, which Amare will they get?

I'm reminded of a time Steve once tried to make himself become Stefan permanently in Family Matters, but eventually he realized how great he is. I'm hoping Amare realizes the same because I don't think I would like him without both personalities.

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