Friday, May 14, 2010

Picking apart the LeBron dilema

My God, where to start?

There are so many issues with this franchise. The team isn't good enough and they aren't getting much better. Mike Brown seems to be as effective at coaching as Zydrunas Ilgauskas would be at running a marathon. And then there's all the LeBron James free agency questions. The last time there was an unknown this big it was if the world is flat or not. So now the question is what happens next?

If you're the Cleveland Cavaliers, disecting this situation is like trying to pick apart a Jenga tower. One wrong move and the whole thing comes crashing down. Like it or not, James has the franchise and entire city on a leash. What do you do about Mike Brown? He seems to have a good working relationship with James. If you fire him now does James leave? Do you fire him at all? The answer is yes, and this leads me to one of James' biggest thorns in his side: his loyalty.

There's no question that James is a very loyal guy. He loves Cleveland, and it seems that he and his teammates like each other. But James can't let that hold him back from what's best for him. Mike Brown isn't the best coach. He's not even close. How he managed to win coach of the year I'll never know. I never thought he had much to do with it. He just isn't going to make the Cavs a NBA Championship team.

So let's recap. Mike Brown = bad. Got that LeBron? I know you like the guy, but right now you two are on a one way street and he isn't helping you at all. So then there's the problem of the team. The Cavaliers are a team with one superstar and a few decent guys. The problem isn't a lack of talent, it's a lack of determination.

I know James wants to win a championship. I'm sure Antawn Jamison would like it. Mo Williams probably thinks it would be cool and Shaq wouldn't mind adding another to his resume. But I have yet to see any of them willing to do what it takes to win it. The only exception would be James, but even he doesn't always show it. Saluting celebrities before the game or whatever he's doing doesn't make me think that he's in a "do or die" mode.

And then of course there's James' decision. I hate to say it Cleveland fans but I don't see James returning next year. Let's face it, James has a better chance of winning with other teams. I mean, the Bulls already have Derrick Rose, a good supporting cast and room for at least one more guy. The Knicks could grab a few. The Nets may have John Wall, and they could bring in James and at least one other top tier free agent. Can you compete Cleveland?

Sure you can, like Calvin Borel in a high jump.

Look, I'm rooting for you Cleveland, well second to Prince James coming to Charlotte (my favorite team). It would be nice to see him stay and win there but it just isn't going to happen. This is how the world works. So here's how I think this summer is going to unfold: LeBron is going to New Jersey.

Not many people are talking about it. Avery Johnson mentioned it as a possibility on Mike and Mike in the morning. Remember his relationship with Jay-Z? He's a part owner of the Nets. Remember New Jersey's new owner, Mikhail Prokhorov? You think James won't like playing for a rich party boy? Sounds to me like it's just up his alley. The Nets already have a few good guys you can work around in Brook Lopez, Devin Harris and Chris Douglas-Roberts. They are building a new stadium in Brooklyn that will be available in two years. And by then, with the cap space they have, (and a assumed first pick), they could have the best team in the NBA.

Now you say, "What about New York?" I thought about that and I think the Knicks would be the second place team in the LeBron race. The Knicks just don't have quite the options New Jersey does and the biggest difference is that round-one pick.

The Bulls? Not gonna happen. You think LeBron wants to build his legacy in a city that will always be Michael Jordan's city? He isn't going to put himself in the shadow of Jordan more than he has to. Trust me LeBron has a much bigger ego than you think he does. Remember how he "spoiled" you Cleveland? I bet that when James leaves we'll hear about a few of his flaws from the teammates who took a back seat during his reign with the Cavs.

I can't predict the future. I'm only 20 years old. But I'll bet the house that I'd like to own one day that James will end up in Jersey.

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